What a day it was! Our first #sickinvite of 2020 was amazing thanks to you! The weather was beautiful at Turning Point Brewery, the food from OH! BALLS was stellar, the beer was cold and plentiful and the bottle/sample swaps were epic! We had members bringing extra food (those egg rolls from Tony tho) some members brought extra cool swag (how ’bout those coasters from Jesse!?!) and Paul even brought his drone to catch the action. Reid Farris kept the music going and Faustino Cigars kept the flavor going.

Kicking off at 11am, there was already a line at the swag and raffle tables. We had some awesome offerings up for raffle and it brings us joy to have such great offerings to our loyal members! The swag was legit and we soon realized we would have to place a much larger order to fulfill demand. It’s on the way!

We had guys, gals, kiddos and pets all joining the fun. The energy was high and it appears that everyone had a great time. It was fun to meet a lot of new faces as well as catch up with some old ones. We hope you had a chance to put some faces with names too!

We’re off to pick another single barrel this week for you guys! More info on that soon. We also have a few cool surprises coming up that we have been working on since our most recent release at Angels. We have even bigger plans in store for upcoming events so keep an eye out for that info and we will see you soon!